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Chastity Brown


Magusiak, Morgan & Brown LLP

Small Business Chamber of Commerce Membership

Professional Bio

Dr. Chastity Brown, of Jackson, Georgia, graduated summa cum laude from North Georgia College and State University in 2004 with a degree in Biology. After completing her undergraduate program, she attended the Medical College of Georgia’s School of Dentistry. Dr. Brown received her DMD degree in 2008.

Dr. Brown practices Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. She is a member of The American Dental Association, The Georgia Dental Association and The Georgia Central District Society.

Dr. Brown has been married to Joey Brown, also of Jackson, since 2004. They have one daughter and one son. Dr. Brown enjoys reading, traveling, gardening, cooking, playing with her dog and spending time with her family and friends.

Primary Business Name

Magusiak, Morgan & Brown LLP 663 S. 9th Street
Griffin, GA 30224
United States
(770) 227-9693
 GSC Logo Small Business Chamber of Commerce Membership

North Georgia College; Medical College of GA 2004; 2008 BA; DMD