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2022 Georgia Games Pickleball Championships

Friday, June 3, 2022 to Sunday, June 5, 2022

Event Details

Georgia Games exists to encourage involvement in amateur sports. Created in 1989, the Georgia State Games administers the annual Georgia Games Championships, an Olympic-style multi-sport festival. Known as the “People’s Games”, these Championships are open to Georgians of all ages and skill levels.
The Georgia Games belongs to a national membership association called the National Congress of State Games (NCSG.) State Games programs exist in forty states and involve a total of 500,000 participants, 1.2 million spectators and 100,000 volunteers each year. State Games competitions are held in over 536 communities with participants coming from over 6,000 cities and towns.
Every two years athletes who earned medals at the Georgia State Games Championships are eligible to compete nationally in the National State Games of America hosted by the NCSG.
Georgia Games is proud to promote the sport of Pickleball and this year’s tournament will once again be hosted by Spalding County Pickleball Association and their Tournament Director partners the Georgia Pickleball Association

For More Information:

Spalding County Pickleball Association, Inc.
Spalding County Pickleball Association, Inc.
1301 Cowan Road
Griffin, GA 30223