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Cherokee Rose Helice Cup Race #5

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Event Details

Helice is a shotgun sport that provides shooters a similar experience to hunting wild birds. Propeller-driven targets, called ZZ birds, fly from machines spinning at 5000 rpm simulating the unpredictable flight path of a live bird. The objective is to hit the white cap and separate it from the orange propeller before the target flies over the fence. The shooter has full use of the gun (two shells) for each target.

On Sunday mornings, Cherokee Rose hosts a casual Helice group for 30 bird races. We often start in the morning for a 30 bird race, break for lunch, and have afternoon races for those who are interested. Call our clubhouse at 770-227-6569 or email us at for more information and to be added to our Helice email list.

Cherokee Rose is also hosting a monthly 30 target race, the 2022 Helice Cup, beginning April 24th and running through October 16th. We will count the best 4 out of 6 scores for the champion, but shooters are welcomed no matter how many races they’ve shot before. After each race, the top scorers will be assessed points as follows: 1st place – 25 points, 2nd place – 20 points, 3rd place – 15 points, 4th place – 10 points, 5th place – 5 points. You can pre-register for each month’s race by emailing us or  calling our clubhouse!

For More Information:

Cherokee Rose Sporting Clays
895 Baptist Camp Road
Griffin, GA 30223