Dirty Dog's Tunnel of Terror
Tickets must be purchased in advance
Last Date: Saturday, October 30, 2021
Event Details
Join Dirty Dog's Carwash Griffin for our ANNUAL TUNNEL OF TERROR! Bring the family for a scary clean car wash, cotton candy and popcorn!
GET READY FOR AN IMMERSIVE HAUNTED EXPERIENCE FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR CAR! Our state of the art technology car wash is sure to provide a wash so clean...it's Scary! Dirty Dog's Tunnel of Terror Griffin, GA., will be held on Friday and Saturday (10/29 & 10/30), from 7pm-10pm. Our staff will be dressed to impress in classic scary costumes to bring together an engaging and spooky experience for the whole family. Clowns, ghouls, and goblins will be popping out from all around you creating a terrifying ambiance. Because this is done through the comfort of the inside of your car, there will be no physical contact from the actors and we ask that you keep all windows up during your visit.