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Freedom Shoot

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Event Details

FREEDOM SHOOT - 200 REGISTERED TARGETS - 100 SPORTING MAIN $85.00 $10.00 BACK TO CLASS - 100 TRUE PAIR - $75.00 - LUNCH IS INCLUDED. SHOOT BOTH EVENTS AND RECEIVE A $25.00 TARGET TOKEN. GOLF CARTS, WARM UPS, OPTIONS, AND EXTRA LUNCHES ARE AVAILABLE. Mandatory squads of 3 or more NSCA shooters. After consulting with the GSCA, we are now requiring all squads have a minimum of three shooters. If shooters require squad member's, it's always a good idea to show up early so we can assist you in getting with a squad. The later you are to the event the more difficult it will be to assist you in getting with a squad.

For More Information:

Cherokee Rose Sporting Clays
895 Baptist Camp Road
Griffin, GA 30223