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Job Tax Credit Lunch & Learn by The Quantum Group

Thursday, October 6, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

As a business owner in Spalding County, you receive a distinct tax advantage from the State of Georgia


Spalding is a Tier One County

Some areas of Spalding are located in an “Opportunity Zone”


Being in the above 2 areas gives you, the business owner the advantage of receiving $3500 for each qualified new hire. Hired in the year 2021 and 2022 for 5 years

This money can be used to decrease or delete your State Tax Liability or your Payroll Withholding Tax Liability on a dollar per dollar match basis.

The Georgia Job Tax Credit is the most financially beneficial tax credit in Georgia for the business owner

The City of Griffin Economic Development Department and the Griffin + Spalding Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Lunch and Learn on October 6th at noon.

So enjoy lunch and learn how you as a business can benefit financially from the Job Tax Credits