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Transit Master Plan Public Meeting #1

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Spalding County, through its Board of Commissioners, have requested the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) fund a specific plan for transit implementation study. The purpose of the Transit Master Plan (TMP is to understand the existing and future demands of regional transit demands within the County boundaries and the connections to adjacent municipalities. The TMP will be developed in coordination with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), affected local governments and other transit providers.

The Spalding County TMP will include:

  • Goals and objectives
  • Public Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Analysis assessing the existing and future transportation needs/demands in Spalding County and adjacent jurisdictions.
  • Cost Constrained

For More Information:

Spalding County
Spalding County